Right then. On to what I originally meant to post about.
So today I received my microSD card in the mail. Fairly large package actually. A full sized envelope. Why do they need to do this anyway? The thing is huuuuge for something small and simple like a package for an SD card. I'm sure you know the size, it's about the size of your hand. In any case, it's fun to get big packages, because they make you feel important. When you come home and see a package on your front porch, it makes you all excited. It's like Christmas every time you receive a package. Looky! That might be for me! Unfortunately, it's also like Christmas in that not all the presents are for you. ... Well, you can't win them all.
So upon bringing it into the house - excited the entire way to my room - I greedily opened the package. Fun stuff, the opening process. I'm sure if you were calm when opening a package, things would go much faster. But that's never the case; you're always trying to tear it open even if you don't have the proper tools. I don't need no stinkin' knife; I shall rip it open! So that phase passes and you look inside to find the item you were eagerly awaiting. Then, you admire the packaging of the little bugger for a few minutes. You don't open it up yet because you want to savor the newness look of the item still in its manufacturer's package. Wait wait, scratch that. You don't open it up yet because the manufacturer's packaging for electronic accessories are always a major pain in the butt to open. They use that ungodly difficult plastic and seal it off on all sides. There's no where to pry open with your fingers. There's no possibly way to tear it apart with your hands. They even deceive you. You'd think that after one end has been cut off (through much toil with the scissors) that you could simply just peel one side of the package from the other.
It always starts morphing and bending and you end up partially ripping it. Then the hard part comes in because you don't want to try harder for fear of cutting yourself on that newly created rift in the package. Instead you think to yourself: that should be enough of an opening for me to pull it item out. And so you do. You try and bend the package this way and that way so that the opening is large enough for you to pull off the item. And they even make this hard to do because the item is always embedded in the plastic somehow.
Back to the SD card. This thing is TINY (i guess putting tiny in all caps is a bit counter-intuitive). This thing is teeny. Not even the size of my finger! And what's more, this thing is 2GB! To put it in perspective, here are two more pictures:
Oh it looks like I need to cut my nails. Hmmm... Oh right, tiny. Yeah, look at that! It's so cuuute. It's as if two SD cards had a baby or something. That got me thinking, that microSD card is about a quarter of the size of a regular SD card. The microSD's capacity is 2GB. 2GBx4 = 8GB. That means 8GB SD cards should be pretty easy to make right? I even know there are 4GB microSD cards - meaning 16GB regular SD cards should be a cinch! Apparently I'm wrong, and there aren't that many 8GB and 16GB SD cards to choose from. And they're monster expensive too.
Oh well, time to cut my nails.
Oh well, time to cut my nails.
1 comment:
Agree 110% on the packaging!
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