25 November 2008

life is beautiful

Autumn is ending and winter could already be here. I like the word Autumn over Fall. What do you think? 'Autumn' has more of a sophisticated air to it. I think it better captures the essence of the season. Sure, the leaves do fall; but they do so ever so gracefully in the wind. Autumn makes me want to sit outside and watch the leaves float in the wind. The rustling whispers of dry leaves can be so soothing, don't you think so?

Sure, the impending starkness of winter can be a downer - the falling of leaves could be seen as death and a loss of color from the world. But doesn't the color disappear in style? Radiant Reds, shining Yellows, brilliant Oranges fill nature; a complete contrast to its previous Green and upcoming White. I think Autumn fits this view better than Fall. I love all seasons and in a conversation with a dear friend of mine it was said that, indeed, all seasons have their beautiful moments. For me, I love Autumn the most.

It looks like those topics I had in mind a few posts back will have to wait some more. I don't wish to ruin the mood of this topic.

For those of you who celebrate, Thanksgiving is a perfect time to enjoy life. Yes, reflection and giving thanks may have become cliche; but that must mean it's important enough to be reiterated so many times. If not, I hope that you occasionally find the time to slow down life and take a break to breathe in, absorb, and enjoy life as it is - the bads, the goods, everything.

22 November 2008


Well, originally this post was going to have a title that would have been a continuation of the last post title... but let's just have a brief side-step from that line of thinking. (Extra points if you can guess what the next post title will be... points for what? I have no clue. But wouldn't you be happy knowing that you got points!)

So the topic for today's post shall be: fast food. Ah yes, the convenient and cheap(?) form of sustenance(?) that is Just Another Name for Corn [wired.com]. Why the "(?)"? <-- (doesn't that look amusing?... I thought so... nvm, back to the topic). Well, these are the things I feel like talking about. Fast food as a source of sustenance is questionable for reasons quite obvious already - mainly its lack of nutritious content. Anyway, this isn't the main topic. The main topic is the prior (?) item.

Fast food is toted as cheap by some. But I just can't see it that way. (I'm beginning to think this post is pointless because I'm just going to be highlighting the obvious).

At work, I often see people go get McDonald's or something every day for lunch. That gets me thinking... how do they do it? I mean, money probably isn't a problem for them, but isn't it such a waste? That's like at least $5USD a day. At least. Say they have it 4 days a week. That's $20. Looking at grocery shopping, I'd say $20 would last me an entire work-week for both lunch AND dinner. (But I suppose I'm taking certain things for granted, like rice and seasonings, but whatever).

Am I being cheap? Probably. Is this post completely unorganized? Probably. I guess I started off with the idea that I wanted to ridicule the human nature of defaulting to convenience over money (and even health). Would restaurants and fast food places go out of business if everyone were like me? Probably.

I'm sorry this post was a mess and hard to follow. Hopefully my next post will be better and more planned out.

Why do I care about organization on the internet - where poor grammar and spelling abound? Maybe school has really done its job of engraving proper (to a certain extent... I do take liberties with ellipses and fragments) writing etiquette into my brain.

Do you ever get the feeling that you're being pompous or cocky when writing in proper grammar in comments and forum posts? I can't help feeling that my comments will be conveyed as condescending sometimes. But is that really my fault? Or is it the fault of those who don't care about their grammar. i.e. Is it because I'm attempting to conform to proper grammar that causes this feeling? Or is it because doing so sticks out like a sore thumb from a sea of poor spelling and oftentimes incomprehensible "1337" abbreviations. Something like... you cannot understand the extent of happiness unless you know sadness; how can you measure the brilliance of a mind without knowing stupidity; when bad spelling and grammar are passed by as normal - as in the online world - even the shortest of comments stick out like a sore thumb when written properly. That probably didn't have anything to do with it - but at one point when the thought was forming in my mind, it did.

Look at how side-tracked I got there. I don't even know how I went from fast food to online comment practices. I think it's time for me to end this post before it gets any more convoluted. Hopefully my next post will be more structured and won't cause you to re-read any parts. I hate when that happens - reading something, and then realizing that none of it registered due to poorly formed sentences.

Oops, I almost got side-tracked again. Until next time - enjoy life to its fullest.

Oh I'd just like to say, that even though I complained about fast food - it's ok from time to time.

10 November 2008

just open your eyes

Hello everyone. I'm just going to post something as if this month or two never happened. And from the viewpoint of my blog (if it were a sentient entity), this is pretty much true right?

See, I just started typing this post, and I have a few bullet points I wanted to flesh out, but now I'm starting to get lazy and do not want to work it out. I want illustrations to go with some of the bullet points. So I think I shall just talk about one thing and then leave the rest for another post when I have more motivation to find/create the appropriate illustrations for it.

Let's talk driving to work. There are two quirky things I've found about driving to work. The first is the time at which I arrive at the office seems to be fixed no matter how I vary the time I leave the house. I usually leave at 8:10am and arrive at 8:30am. However, if I leave at 8:15am, I still arrive at 8:30am. On some days, because I, for some reason, feel productive and wish to get to the office earlier, I leave the house at 8:05am. Guess what time it is when I reach the office... 8:30! I will return to this subject somewhat after I continue with the next topic.

I have noticed that there is a certain volume of traffic that is related to which day of the week it is. Hump day truly is a hump if you would graph the volume of cars on the road as a function of time (day of the week). See, normally you would see a graph accompanying this... but I am lazy, so therefore you must use your imagination.

Now, I surmise that there may be a correlation between these two topics I just outlined. Perhaps days where I feel productive, others do as well and everyone leaves just slightly earlier than usual. This causes the time spent on the road to increase due to increase in traffic. Unfortunately, this does make much sense because that would mean people feel productive on Wednesday - the middle of the week - hump day. That seems counter-intuitive.

Maybe when people are feeling lazy, they are much more so than I am, and therefore leave their house later than I do. Thus allowing me to leave a little later, but not encounter as much traffic resistance. This may be plausible as it seems I see the least traffic on Monday and Friday.

However, an explanation for lack of traffic on Monday may be hangover symptoms from the weekend. And an explanation for lack of traffic on Friday is that people are taking a 3-day weekend; or simply do not have to work on Friday.

Yes many of these assumptions I've made are very nfinite-centric. i.e. It's all about me; but whatever.

I think I'm done just typing out whatever comes to mind. This flow of consciousness is now shutting down for the night - even though the time of this post does not indicate that it is very late.... and it would be correct. Because it is not very late.

Remember to enjoy life, no matter what it throws at you. Take care.


Things left on my bullet list:
- new coke bottles
- google screensaver
- autumn
- code indentation protocol