14 July 2007


So I was walking through the hall of my workplace - an environment full of various computer and electrical engineers - and another employee is up the hallway, walking in my direction. It's interesting to note, that, unless we know each other, the moments leading up to and during passing each other in the hallway... are very awkward. What's running through my head is probably the same thing running through his; Oh crap, I hafta pass some one. This is going to be awkward. Where do I look? Down, yes, down at the ground. But what if s/he's looking at me. I'll take a peek upwards. ... Nope they're not. OK, look at the ground as we pass. Awkward... Awkward... Awkward, OK relax, I'm past them.
This is usually the order of events. Realization that you need to pass an employee that you don't really know. Trying to figure out whether or not to look occupied, look down, nod at the person, or even *gasp* say 'hello'. Usually its the first two. Nods get awkward if they don't nod back and then you feel stupid. Hello is pretty much out of the question since you might end up saying it too quietly and the other person can't hear - then you feel stupid. So both people pass, looking at the ground in front of them so as to avert eye contact as much as possible. The amusing thing, is that it happens with pretty much everyone in the halls. It's a wonder how certain professions attract certain types of people. I guess the saying form follows function applies to personalities and people as well... I wonder what it's like at say... an art firm... artists are pretty much the opposite of engineers right?
Well, at first I noticed this awkwardness at work; and so I went home, eager to watch the Microsoft E3 2007 press conference from the night before (it started at 11:30 EST, lame). And then I noticed... some of those speakers seem really awkward too! Them too! Or maybe it was because the audience wasn't included in the sound and therefore made the speakers sound like they were talking to nobody. Speaking of E3 (how is it that I always seem to return to the subject of games), what's up with all of these franchise continuation games? Now all people gotta do is flaunt a number in some fashion and you immediately know what's coming.
3 - Halo
5 - Resident Evil
13 - Friday the
Hm... I think I've lost my train of thought for the night. That is all. Sorry it seems this post is uncharacteristically short, and very devoid of deep thoughts. I've been watching too many 2minute trailers from E3 I suppose. It's affecting the time span of my thoughts.

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