07 June 2007


Now before I get into the meat of tonight's post, we will start with addressing the change in color scheme... I realized, everybody has some kind of white template... I needed something that wouldn't blind me when my eyes go droopy for desire of sleep... so darker colors are so much easier on the eyes no? Even during the day... Hopefully no reader is blue darkbluegray color blind... or else they might see a blank page.. and that would be saddening =(

Ok, now... semantics - hopefully I will be using this word in the right manner and situation (because I might be using the word 'denotation' instead of 'semantics'...... *sigh, oh the semantics of this sucks.... or should I have used syntax... in place of semantics... I hate language. The following will be my mental blog to you on why language sucks: (get ready for it)

Got it? Sweet.

-noun (used with a singular verb)
a. the study of meaning. (har har, they put a period at the end... isn't that illegal? on second thought, don't answer that... because if it isn't illegal, I'm going to feel stupid, for criticizing something that's actually right)
b. the study of linguistic development by classifying and examining changes in meaning and form.

1. the explicit or direct meaning or set of meanings of a word or expression, as distinguished from the ideas or meanings associated with it or suggested by it; the association or set of associations that a word usually elicits for most speakers of a language, as distinguished from those elicited for any individual speaker because of personal experience
2. a word that names or signifies something specific
3. the act or fact of denoting; indication. (Thanks Mr. Dictionary, I don't think that could've cleared up my confusing any better!)


a. the study of the rules for the formation of grammatical sentences in a language

Thanks Dictionary.com! So now that I have these definitions fresh in mind, perhaps the syntax for my previous thought was good from the start: Semantics is so weird. That's what I was trying to denote earlier.

I guess I still haven't gotten to what I was originally intending to talk about huh? Ok... so the other day actually, I was looking at the letter W... and thought..... whoever English dude or dudette who came up with the name for that letter must've been smokin somethin..... Double U. I don't know about you, but 'W' certainly does not look like UU to me... Maybe the lower-case version works.... uu.... but that's stretching it... Ok so maybe if you scrunch them together, it might still not look like two U's... I think it has to do with the curves... like, if you draw a rounded capital W, the middle peak never goes to the top? Do it, draw yourself a rounded W, it now looks like a lower-case letter doesn't it? Yeah, so maybe the person who labeled the letters of the alphabet didn't know how to capitalize letters... The Spanish seem to have it down though, 'doble v'.... two V's, I can dig that -- VV W... close enough.... But 'double u'? .... nah..... maybe, 'mirrored three-quarters of a U' works though.... (I just went through my font collection and found a few true Double U's.... but shh, we'll keep that on the downlow and pretend what I just explained was an intelligent thought process).

Next up! How many times have you told someone: "I'm writing an essay". Now, are you really writing that essay? or are you typing that essay. A similar occurrence just popped up a few minutes ago, and I thought I'd let you ponder on that as well...

Here's an interesting one. This one came up while talking to Rainy. Type in 'burger' into Google image search, or whatever image search engine you please (I'm pretty sure they'll all demonstrate this point fairly well). Burger.... when you hear the word burger, what pops up? An upside down yellow double-U? (this time it really is doubleU) From what I understand though... is that overseas there in England... chicken's can also be on burgers... yes, like chicken burgers? I don't know about you, but that sounds a little awkward to me.. (it's ok, it could just be that I'm an awkward person)... Chicken sandwiches sounds more natural, no?...... but wait a second now... burgers... is usually short for hamburger right?.... but wait yet another second - hamburgers don't have ham in them.... it's beef! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, language sucks... we should all talk to each other in code..... something maybe like... http://lolcode.com/
Then again, maybe not...

I'm done. Hope I didn't blow your mind with that post. Whether it be blown away by its sheer amazingness... or blown away by its sheer "you're weird"-ness.....


Niennia said...

any thoughts on dub-yah?

i totally skipped over the definishions.

none the less, enlightening.

joy+suzy ^^v said...

go get a cbox larh! and practice ur fobby english HEHEHE

Raindeavour said...

lmao burger for the win yea!