26 June 2007

... i'm sure i forgot something

Don't you hate it when you get the feeling that ...
a) There's either too much to do; or
b) There's nothing to do
... and you can't figure out which situation you're in

It's like, there's too much to do, so you don't know where to start; and thus it feels like there's nothing to do, since you don't want to start;
or it's like, there's nothing to do, but there's something nagging you that makes you feel like there is something you should be doing, but merely can't figure out what that is.

It's so weird; perhaps it comes from disorganization. Usually I try to be as organized as possible - I try to keep in mind what I need to do. This usually works, my mental notes work for the most part and I can remember pretty much what needs to be done. The problem, however, comes into play whenever something disturbs that state. Like too many requests from different people. That tends to screw things up. One person I know will want to play a game, another wants me to watch some video, another wants to chat, another wants to play something on the Xbox 360. All of this is good and dandy... IF NOT ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Because then, my brain goes into organization mode and tries to come up with ways to please everyone. Ok, I can play the game, and chat at the same time; I can watch the video later. But only after I have done some 360 time. But the instant that the brain organizes this, everything prior that was organized is thrown out the window- oh I was supposed to set up the rice cooker; monkeys, I forgot to put the meat out to thaw; need to phone someone!

After typing that, it's kind of odd. I sometimes feel like there's no one available to talk to and go into semi-depressed mode (since I can't really stay depressed for long - shame really... maybe); But when I am busy, I wish I wasn't so busy. It's odd - it's even scary how things can so easily be taken for granted. As cheesy as it is - the things you take for granted are the things you miss most when they aren't there - is so true. I suppose its a hand-in-hand thing rather than a cause-and-effect thing.

Speaking of the Xbox 360. I'm really glad I dished out the effort to get one. But one thing is haunting me: there is a killer line up of sweet games coming up. The problem? They're all coming out after school starts. No, they're not getting released in the summer when a good portion of the gaming population (aka students) has more free time . Nope. They decide to release these wonderful games after school starts up again. Not even at the beginning of the return to school - you know that period where classes just kind of go over syllabus and you get to know people in the class. Nope, not even that luxury. It's stuff like August (and whenever they tell us a release month, it's better off just to consider it either the last week of the month, or the middle of the month after) and September. That means, it's already mid-terms or the like.

- aside: why do some courses still insist on the usage of mid-term. Have you ever had classes where there were 3 or 4 mid-terms? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of a *mid*term?

Anyway, I keep talking about awesome games, and I'd like to share my thoughts on them - because I have nothing better to do than waste your time that you've given me.
First of all, the PS3 has no appeal to me whatsoever. Sure it has the power to do better than all of the current consoles on the mass market, but what good does that do when barely any games prove it? Right now, it seems only Lair and Heavenly Sword are peaking my attention. Not enough compared with how the 360 line up is looking. For those of you who talk to me, I don't bash the PS3 because of the hardware. No doubt it's more powerful. But pretty graphics don't quite mean as much to me and really shouldn't for a gamer. I think games emphasize looking good too much these days. Take the PC for example, games are starting to take a toll on my rig. It's as if a good game needs to have good graphics to be good. I went back and played Final Fantasy VII the last few weeks of school during Spring term and it was fun! So many jaggies, but fun! Anywho, that was a major tangent. Back to the upcoming 360 games that I'm looking forward to... I somehow feel like I'm advertising these games, but whatevaH!

In no particular order:
  • Blue Dragon (ブルードラゴン) : I'm lookin forward to this mainly because it's an RPG and was a hit in Japan. And I could use the Japanese practice eh? And also, the Xbox doesn't have any spectacular RPG's yet. It's going to be on 3 DVDs... that in itself is insane. An RPG on 3 DVDs... I remember the days when Final Fantasy was like 4 or 5 discs but ever since larger media has come out, we haven't really seen multi-disc games. This makes me hope that this game is going to be massive and ton of goodies. Still, it saddens me that something so massive should come out DURING SCHOOL
  • Eternal Sonata (トラスティベル ショパンの夢): Another RPG; I might as well list them now that I'm on the subject. Anyway, the premise for this game is thus (from Wikipedia): "The story takes place in a dream world which centers around the piano composer Frédéric Chopin who died at the age of 39 due to tuberculosis. The plot centers around the concept that three hours prior to his death, Chopin dreamed of a fairy-tale land, in which people with incurable diseases have great magical powers."; music is a pretty prominent in my life so the theme of the game sounds very unique - and I love to try new things out. And from what review sites are saying, it seems like the game will be a sleeper hit.
  • Mass Effect: Well... BioWare is developing it, so it's gotta be good right? I played through Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and loved it. I started playing Jade Empire - and I suppose the game elements and story were good .. but they didn't quite hit the mark on character art. A friend and I were discussing it; maybe it's because we're Asian and have a more refined perception of what an Asian should look like, but.... those characters weren't pretty. So now BioWare is going back to space and back to aliens and Caucasians (perfectly fine with me) and it looks pretty spiffy so far. I haven't looked much into the battle system - saw some vids and stuff; what interests me is the speech system they have going - emotions instead of lines of text to choose. Hope it turns out well, I'm sure BioWare could be able to pull it off.
Ok so that's 3!!! RPGs How will I ever find the time to play these!... continuing on:
  • BioShock: This one looks intense. An adventure/psythriller/FPS game. I remember playing System Shock 2, but I don't remember it much... from what I read in retrospect, it was a good game. So with BioShock following a similar vein of game essence, I'm looking forward to getting creeped out and blowing up baddies... all the while wasting more of my very little time available
  • IV: Grand Theft Auto IV that is. I don't think this game needs much explanation as to why I want to play it. GTA3 was ground-breaking, GTA:VC kept it going, GTA:SA was amusing because it was centered around the gang wars. IV looks very pretty and immersive (I get the feeling I'm going spend at least 5 minutes standing in one spot in the middle of "New York" and watch what the people do. We shall see. Oh, new trailer coming out tomorrow!
  • Halo 3: Again, just like GTA, I need no explanation as to why I need to play this game. Halo was an average game on a console that lacked a good game of the genre. Ended up building an insane community. Halo 2 turned out not as well as expected, but still an above average shooter. I played the H3 multiplayer beta and found it to be pretty smooth, so I hope the campaign will be smooth as well. I guess this may sound harsh to Halo, but I still enjoy the campaign and multiplayer and am looking forward to it. Being a PC gamer from the start, it's kind of amazing how the right game in the right place can make all the difference in the world. (*wink for the fellow pc gamers)
  • Assassin's Creed: I played and beat all three of the new Prince of Persia games (oh and the original PoP if we're talking about PoP here). But anyway, this game looks to be sweet because a) Assassin's are cool and b) freerunning is cool. I hope this game turns out well! Har har, my descriptions are getting shorter as this blog post lengthens
Ok I think I'm tired of doing this because there are a few more games; I guess they're not as high up on my "OmGz I needs to play" list... but here they are:
  • Project Sylpheed - Square Enix doing a spaceship shooter? Interesting)
  • John Woo Presents Stranglehold - John Woo and Chow-Yun Fat... interesting
  • Medal of Honor Airborne - MoH. 'nough said
  • Project Gotham Racing 4 - Guess I'm not really really excited about this one, but weather sounds interesting... I guess... maybe just a gimmick, we'll see
  • Skate - Really interested in this competitor to Tony Hawk games. Control scheme is new and hopefully will work
  • Time Shift - I guess I just enjoy shooters - and you can warp time in this one - why does that sound familiar hmmmmmm
  • Too Human - I'm actually quite looking forward to this... however it's getting dwarfed by the others. There just hasn't been enough hype for me to really notice Too Human. I am interested in the fact that it's story is heavily influenced by Norse mythology though..
  • Naruto: Rise of a Ninja - cool, a Naruto game that's not a fighting game - oh wait, and best of all original Japanese voice actors! the english dubbed naruto voice annoys me... though I guess the Japanese voice actor can be annoying too.... even if she's a female...
  • Stuntman: Ignition - I always wanted to play a Stuntman game, but never had a console... maybe now's my chance

Ok I had more to talk about, but I guess this post has gone on long enough. Next time on from the nfinite, more talk about organization, and LEGOs! Or wait, what's the plural of LEGO?!

21 June 2007

the random game of life

Life is like a giant RPG dontcha think? You do things to up your stats -
study -> intelligence+
workout -> physical+
eat -> restore hp
sleep -> restore fatigue
and quests are like:
- Defeat the teacher in a battle of wits
- Get a girlfriend
- Learn new skills: sports, hobbies, etc.

See the thing is, have you ever noticed that in a computer RPG, it kinda leads you in a direction? Despite the premise that an RPG should be open-ended, it still points you in some direction. You need to do X in order to get to point Y. Do you ever feel life is like this? You need to please X person in order to get past point Y. Maybe I'm just disjoint from reality, maybe it's my indifference to outcomes of events. No, it only comes out looking like indifference, but I like to accept whatever outcome happens. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy pleasing people; it makes me feel happy that they're happy. But sometimes, the line goes too far... like homework help... it's like those quests where you need to kill some mob and collect some type of drop. Sometimes you get lucky, and it's quick... but other times, the mob is stubborn and won't drop the items you need. Helping with homework is kinda like this. I enjoy the feeling when I can help someone with their problems quickly and succinctly. The annoyance comes into play when, no matter how hard I try, nothing gets absorbed. I don't like telling people answers; I tell people the theory behind it in a way that will lead them to the answer. But some people sometimes don't put the effort to absorb the information I give them, and instead want me to tell them the answer. This frustrates me, because it ends up taking longer than it should to help with the problem. It's like they block out the information I'm giving them, just because it's not what they're looking for. It's like when mobs could just as easily drop items, but they don't - and it takes longer to finish the quest. I know that isn't a very good analogy, but the feeling of frustration is about the same no? And I'm sure any RPG player would either know or been in this situation.

Then again, maybe RPGs are modeled after life..... I feel like a major dork typing about that now... whatever, next topic:

I often wonder when the graphics in games will end up looking completely realistic. What would that take? What kind of games would we have then? Would it be a virtual world? Moore's law observes that the number of transistors in a chip double every 2 years. Essentially, that means more powerful processing right? Thinking about it though... I've sometimes stared at grass (or just other things in nature) and thought, why do we know that the grass I'm staring at is real. Games are starting to nail down the look of objects - cars, buildings, and other inanimate things... but we've yet to see realistic looking organic things. They are insanely close to realistic water ... but it's definitely not real-time yet. One game's art that I admire is Guild War's landscapes. They're beautiful; but, you know it's fake. The upcoming game Crysis has to be one of the most graphically intense project that I can think of off the top of my head at the moment.

Despite how amazing that looks. It's still hyper-realistic. There's something that just tells you, it's not real. I wonder when games will finally trick our minds into thinking that what we're seeing is photo-realistic.

I suppose it all boils down to the idea of random. But I think more about the idea of 'random', the more I realized, that it's virtually impossible to invoke 'random'ness. Random is something only nature can do. A computer cannot generate random numbers, it's all based on some algorithm and some seed. Therefore, it'd hafta be impossible to be completely random since the seed is not random. Even humans can't be random willfully. Pick a number 1-10; chances are, it wasn't 1 or 10. If it was, uhm... well just think about what the general population would pick. 'Random', to me, implies an equal chance of anything choice being chosen. Ever had to pick a random page in a book? Chances are it wasn't the first page. The method for getting a random page in a book means, opening it, flying through some pages and then stopping. But... that's not random... there's more chance of the middle of the book getting chosen than the start or end.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is... I don't know that we'll ever be able to make a completely photo-realistic game in that, randomness defines reality. The grass on the ground, the bumps on a tree, the slope of the landscape... none of these can really be generated by a computer. The only way I see realistic graphics happen is when the cg artists and level designers completely define every single detail in the environment. I admire artists because they can completely fool me into thinking a painting is a photo. I'm no artist myself at all, so this amazes me. Computers can't possibly generate what the human mind can envision.

This is only talking about relatively stationary objects here! Lifeforms are infinitely more difficult right? Movement of a character is so hard to nail down. The way the body interacts with the environment is probably the biggest step to overcome. Clipping planes and being able to "stand" with one foot over a ledge is what kills many games ability to trick you into thinking the person looks real.

I dunno, I think this was a long enough post... there's some things I want to say about quantum computing, but I'll read up more on the subject before I do... the idea really baffles me - being able to be in more than one state at once...

Until then, sorry for the delay in post; enjoy your weekend.

17 June 2007


Post-Publish comment: This post is so full of BS... it;s me in full blast dork-mode I suppose, so you can def skip it

Question: "Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? [10 years?]"
An adapted answer: "Celebratin' the 5th anniversary of you askin' me that question."
- Mitch Hedberg

This questions make you go hmmm don't they? I mean, maybe not the next 5 years question, because... in 5 years I'll probably still be in college; graduate school or something... but 10 years? there are just so many possibilities, so many questions you hafta ask yourself...
Ok, so I understand the question is meant to demonstrate resolve of the questioned person; but honestly, even if you did plan 10 years ahead in your life, there's no way that will ever happen exactly as you envision it. It's nice to have a goal in life - I'm not putting down this idea at all. It's just, I find the question ridiculous. What does it matter what I'll be doing in 10 years. I'll be what... close to 30? Probably married.. house or apartment - don't know, kids - don't know, job - i hope so, but what kind, I have no clue.

The question asks where do you see yourself in the next X years? What if you don't? What if I'm smart enough to know that no matter what plans I may have for my future; it is virtually impossible to pinpoint how far along the path to my goal I am x years from now. What actually brought along this train of thought was... do you ever wonder what you're going to be doing in the future? Right now, it seems as though I have no resolve. I have a general direction of where I want to go, but no idea where this is going to take me... (I'm not complaining, not at all, I'm enjoying every moment of it) but... thus far in life we have been led by the hand - given guidelines to what we can do, can't do, should do, shouldn't do. All that we really know of is school life. (maybe there are other demographics reading this, but hey, who am I kidding, only friends are really reading this at this point in time... doubt that will change too, but oh well) It starts in elementary school, your classes are laid out for you. Middle school allowed us some movement between classes, but still, everything was pretty much laid out for us on what classes to take. High school - more freedom, but to no avail really, there are still requirements to meet. College/University life - supposedly even more freedom, but the way I see it, although we get to choose a specialization, beyond that, we still are given a set of directions on where to go. Degree requirements determine the classes we take. sure, you could say we can apply for any class we want, but unfortunately, the time-is-tuition-money doesn't help us. Where was I going with this? I forgot. Do you ever feel like you're just going with the flow, doing what is expected? or rather, following a predetermined path? What happens when we get to the end of that, and we need to find a job. I guess that's where my resolve falters, because, I don't really know what I'm going to be doing. Maybe taking more classes will help solidify where I wish to head, but at this point, if someone were to ask me where I saw myself in 10 years, I'd say, "wherever tomorrow, the day after, and so on will lead me, I won't complain when I'm there; I will just be doing what my choices lead me to do"

I think I just failed the question.

I was gonna talk about gum, but that issue is over with, it's not that deep. And this post seems to be quite deep in BS atm, so I won't ruin the tone.

The internet is a amazing resource isn't it? You can read the news, research for school, read articles, watch porn, etc. But what I absolutely love to think about is (no not porn) how good it is at allowing one to express oneself without inhibition. I'm sure you've heard the phrase, "S/He's my real life friend." And there is so much to this simple statement. It implies that s/he is a friend that one knows from personal contact and face-to-face communication. But the funny thing is, it seems to imply that the internet is not real life. But, I suppose there is a great bit of sense in that implication, no?

The internet allows us to hide. It allows us to do as we please without major regard for the consequences - after all, nobody knows who I really am online right? nfinite is just an online persona. I believe that we are more true to our actual self online than offline (I almost said "real life" instead of offline there). People's true personality shines online since they are pretty much free to do as they please. Take MMOG's for example - a character can choose to act however they please - nice, mean, invert, overt, pervert, obnoxious, pleasing, flirtatious, deceitful. The thing is, they feel at ease with acting in such a way.

Whenever I see someone being mean or bullying someone else, I think to myself, I wonder what they are like offline. Are they really like this? I find it extremely unlikely that so many people can be so blatantly mean to others - or maybe I'm naive. It's so easy to change the word "offline" into "real life." But to me, there isn't a difference. Online is real life, what you do here reflects who you are. And oftentimes, who you truly are. Maybe I'm a dork who's more relaxed online than off. I value all the people and friends I have met both online and off. I don't know that any of the people whom I've met online would notice me offline and vice versa. The semi-outgoing nfinite doesn't one bit match the silent kid I am away from the computer.

What prompted this musing? Well, really, just observation of how people act in the games I play. Some people can be straight-up two faced. If I'm nfinite, they may be nice. If I'm under a different alias, they are completely indifferent or outright hostile. I'm not saying this is how everyone is. Genuine people shouldn't be that hard to find/meet. I'm glad to have met so many genuinely nice and caring people.

... as far as I can tell *wink wink*

13 June 2007

all work and no play... NOT

Ok, sorry for the delay, I'm late on my quota by 100%! Oh noes! Yeah, it seems there is less time in the day than I had planned for... you know, those 24 hours seem longer when you're bored right? Yeah, my days have been like thus:
7:30 - Awaken and all that waking entails
8:30 - Get to work
9:00 - Begin 8 hours of doing the following cycle:
  1. Be confused on code
  2. Figure out why confusion is occurring
  3. Realize what problem is creating the confusion
  4. Still be confused because despite knowing what's causing the problem... it's still a problem and therefore isn't readily solvable
  5. Think I'm a genius because I figure out a way to solve said problem
  6. Realize I'm not a genius because I have to figure out how to implement the solution
  7. Code compiles! (After 50million errors, mainly syntax, of course)
  8. Code does not work as intended - pretty standard
  9. Figure out why code doesn't work.
  10. Repeat steps 1-7 until code works as intended.
  11. Be excited.
  12. Get new task. Repeat 1-10.

5:00 - Go home
5:30 - Make dinner/Microwave leftovers - Consume food
6:30 - Finally free time
9:30 - Phone special someone
11:00 - Sleep

So that leaves me with oh.. 3 hours of fun time, give or take... and the past few days, one of the housemates has been asking "Wanna play something?" - how can I refuse? So we boot up the 360, and play something ... that can take up to 3 hours ... we all know how games just eat up time right?

*Sigh, so yeah... I guess weekdays won't allow me to do the post every 2 days. But I guess I'll try to anyway. Sorry for the delay, but then again, why do I need to be sorry? Just kidding! I think... something like that

So while I'm on the subject of house mate, well he's a coworker too, and at work it's me him and another coworker in one room. We have quite the parties in there as well. So, one guy decides to ask. What percentage is "most"? He says 50+%, housemate says 75+%,..... what do I think?
I think 66+%. But then in order to disprove the housemate he says, how many people would be most out of 3 people: 2 right? So that's above 50%. I'm thinking, I'm pretty dead on! And I'm also thinking: it's also possible that, out of 4 people, most would be 3... and therefore both 50% dude and me would be wrong. Luckily that didn't come up. Still... see how semantics create such conflicts! *sigh... Housemate's argument was, if you took a poll of a million people and someone said most people voted pro-issue, 500,001 people would not be what you think of. Oh how diligent workers we are!

Also at work, I was peeing right? Yes in the restroom, where else? And I was studying the shape of the urinal - well what else are you supposed to be looking at when you're peeing? But anyway... Sorry ladies, if you're missin' out on the visuals, I'll put in a picture... Sometimes, they put those plastic things at the bottom of the urinal - I guess so that the "freshener" they put in there doesn't go down the drain as well (even though, the fresheners just smell like bathroom...or do the bathrooms smell like the fresheners, who knows)... But I was thinking.. that's really retarded, isn't the point of going to the bathroom in a toilet/urinal to keep from making a mess? Envision you're holding a hose, and you're aiming the water into a bucket (I'm steering away from pee atm, just so it isn't awkward). Now, somebody puts a plastic sheet with holes in it over the bucket... they must think, hey it has holes in it! water will still get through. BUT WTF, the water from the hose (while mostly (at least 66%) goes into the bucket), some of it splashes. WHY WOULD YOU PUT THAT THERE?!!? But then I thought, wait a second, why do urinals have walls like they do... I mean, it's like you're peeing against a wall - which also would surely cause splashback. (sick isn't it?)

So I propose they should reassess the shape of a urinal. Maybe make it more rounded in, so that when water hits it, it will not bounce back... you know, maybe a warped parabola - You know how in a parabola when a vector strikes it and bounces, all vectors will converge at some central thing... I forget what the term is called... the focus? I dunno, anyway, they should make urinals into a unique parabola where if someone would chance to pee straight in (And I hope no one *ever* does this on a current generation urinal) the stream will ricochet, however it will converge to the drain, and not the user. Guys, you'll probably know exactly what I'm talking about. Ladies, here's a picture of a urinal with those stupid plastic drain covers.

Credit on the image goes to some blog by Radley Balko on www.reason.com - I found it using Google Image search...

The curve on this urinal isn't so bad, but there are others that pretty much look like you're peeing against a wall... Anyway, I think that's enough for now... Or rather, I'm tired of typing... I still have some topics in mind, so look foward to:
"The Future" (as a topic, not as .. nvm)
and "Chewing Gum"
and more as I think of random stuff in my boredom...

09 June 2007

to nfinity and beyond

Ok, so that's probably one of the lamer blog titles you're going to see, but you know what? It's staying. Oh, and I finally added a chatbox, so have at it and spam away. Uh.. Let's see, right, today's topic shall be - space, time travel, and teleportation. Probably a geeky topic, but I hope it won't bore you to death... there's some interesting (I think) concepts and ridiculousness to this topic.

First up: extraterrestrial life. Do you ever get fired up when you read about a new planet, or rock, or whatever it is they've found, that the planet can't support life because there's no water. I'm sure they mean - can't support *Earth* lifeforms; even so, it's still retarded that they say it... so what if it can't support our life - why does it need to? It's not like we're going to be colonizing those distant rocks any time soon... (I'm sure I could be very wrong and getting a very wrong impression from the articles that I skim through - I don't really read them, if it comes up in the news, I'll skim through them... This is simply the impression I get from the articles I've skimmed. Keep in mind I could be absolutely wrong <-- Just a disclaimer for those who *love* to pick apart other people's opinions.)

So, I get the impression that there is the idea that "If there is no water on a planet, there is no life". Do you ever get that impression? Don't you think that it's a little silly? Maybe it was a requirement for Earth-life, but why does it need to be a requirement for all life. Maybe I've been influenced too much by sci-fi media - games, movies, books - but honestly, there could be life on Venus or Mercury or something, hiding from us and we wouldn't know it. Anyway, so I guess from this, you can tell that I believe there is life outside of our little planet. I hope that sometime in my life we may confirm this - I think that'd be awesome: unless, they're hellbent on destroying us - then that'd suck. At the same time, I realize this is probably very unlikely. There may very well have been or will be life in the universe, but it might've been before the human era, or after humans go extinct or something. Timespan is simply too massive that there'd be so little probability that an intelligent lifeform would be existing at the same time as we are now, and with the same and/or better space technology. That just means we'll hafta wait for Mass Effect to play with aliens... la la la

Oh, time.. right, I was watching this video on YouTube about time travel and think, ok this is kinda cool. But wait, it makes NO SENSE AT ALL... the conclusions seem to come out of his butt. I'm sure he's got research and fancy formulas that "support" him... but, I say wtf. I'm very open minded, anything is possible - but only if it makes sense.. ( I suppose making sense has to do with what mindset I have, but if there's good enough support, a mindset can change) This doesn't have good enough support. Ok, let's break it down shall we:

"But rather, it's the coffee that's moving the bean around"
- Ok I can dig it, makes sense

"This rotating space supplies the boost that's needed to allow an object to break the lightspeed barrier without violating the laws of physics."
- Come again? Wouldn't it only be able to travel as fast as the "coffee" is rotating? Explain pl0x...

"Within that rotating region of space, you can travel speeds up to the speed of light."
- Makes sense, do go on.

"But for someone standing outside, it would appear as though you're traveling faster than the speed of light..."
- Wait... wtf? If you've watched the whole video, he proposes that sick laser setup (the cgi looks cool, but looking cool won't make a time machine)... now, why would it look like the particle is traveling faster than the speed of light? Maybe my physics completely sucks balls, but, what frame of reference allows this? Ok, I'll take your word for it, just because I'm stupid.

"...and for them, you will disappear from sight, as you're traveling back into the past."
- Ok, this is where my complete WTF where did that come from?! I'm probably wrong on this, but I'll try anyway, because I'm a dork/nerd... if I'm a particle, and I'm moving close to the speed of light, then one second in my time is like a hundred years or something of the observer's time. ... so... doesn't this mean that I can only travel forward in time? I mean, the faster I go - one second will be even a longer amount of time for the observer... now... HOW DO I GO BACK IN TIME? Unless there's some complete standstill of time at the speed of light, and beyond makes me go backwards in time or something... this doesn't really make much sense to my brain though. I'm sure he has backup for all this crazy talk, but I sure as hell can't comprehend it. Maybe all logic breaks down at the speed of light and I can do whatever the balls I want. That would be interesting no?

Speaking of defying logic... instantaneous transmit of information. The joys of quantum physics. I was reading this article about transmitting information. It's really quite funky how it works out that way. Their explanation actually made sense too - or maybe I've just read more about it than time travel. I was skeptical about the validity of an article that had the words 'Star Trek' in it, but it makes sense after reading it. Cool stuff, thought I'd share. Maybe in the future, we'll subscribe to feeds in our heads. And then, once it's typed down somewhere, we'll instantly have the article in our mind. Wouldn't that be ridiculous! I'm such a dork.

Hopefully that didn't bore you to death. I'm just typing because I'm bored. Oh yeah, lemme know if ya wanna be linked up. (Will you be my blog friend!. or something) Enjoy life. nfinite signing out.

07 June 2007


Now before I get into the meat of tonight's post, we will start with addressing the change in color scheme... I realized, everybody has some kind of white template... I needed something that wouldn't blind me when my eyes go droopy for desire of sleep... so darker colors are so much easier on the eyes no? Even during the day... Hopefully no reader is blue darkbluegray color blind... or else they might see a blank page.. and that would be saddening =(

Ok, now... semantics - hopefully I will be using this word in the right manner and situation (because I might be using the word 'denotation' instead of 'semantics'...... *sigh, oh the semantics of this sucks.... or should I have used syntax... in place of semantics... I hate language. The following will be my mental blog to you on why language sucks: (get ready for it)

Got it? Sweet.

-noun (used with a singular verb)
a. the study of meaning. (har har, they put a period at the end... isn't that illegal? on second thought, don't answer that... because if it isn't illegal, I'm going to feel stupid, for criticizing something that's actually right)
b. the study of linguistic development by classifying and examining changes in meaning and form.

1. the explicit or direct meaning or set of meanings of a word or expression, as distinguished from the ideas or meanings associated with it or suggested by it; the association or set of associations that a word usually elicits for most speakers of a language, as distinguished from those elicited for any individual speaker because of personal experience
2. a word that names or signifies something specific
3. the act or fact of denoting; indication. (Thanks Mr. Dictionary, I don't think that could've cleared up my confusing any better!)


a. the study of the rules for the formation of grammatical sentences in a language

Thanks Dictionary.com! So now that I have these definitions fresh in mind, perhaps the syntax for my previous thought was good from the start: Semantics is so weird. That's what I was trying to denote earlier.

I guess I still haven't gotten to what I was originally intending to talk about huh? Ok... so the other day actually, I was looking at the letter W... and thought..... whoever English dude or dudette who came up with the name for that letter must've been smokin somethin..... Double U. I don't know about you, but 'W' certainly does not look like UU to me... Maybe the lower-case version works.... uu.... but that's stretching it... Ok so maybe if you scrunch them together, it might still not look like two U's... I think it has to do with the curves... like, if you draw a rounded capital W, the middle peak never goes to the top? Do it, draw yourself a rounded W, it now looks like a lower-case letter doesn't it? Yeah, so maybe the person who labeled the letters of the alphabet didn't know how to capitalize letters... The Spanish seem to have it down though, 'doble v'.... two V's, I can dig that -- VV W... close enough.... But 'double u'? .... nah..... maybe, 'mirrored three-quarters of a U' works though.... (I just went through my font collection and found a few true Double U's.... but shh, we'll keep that on the downlow and pretend what I just explained was an intelligent thought process).

Next up! How many times have you told someone: "I'm writing an essay". Now, are you really writing that essay? or are you typing that essay. A similar occurrence just popped up a few minutes ago, and I thought I'd let you ponder on that as well...

Here's an interesting one. This one came up while talking to Rainy. Type in 'burger' into Google image search, or whatever image search engine you please (I'm pretty sure they'll all demonstrate this point fairly well). Burger.... when you hear the word burger, what pops up? An upside down yellow double-U? (this time it really is doubleU) From what I understand though... is that overseas there in England... chicken's can also be on burgers... yes, like chicken burgers? I don't know about you, but that sounds a little awkward to me.. (it's ok, it could just be that I'm an awkward person)... Chicken sandwiches sounds more natural, no?...... but wait a second now... burgers... is usually short for hamburger right?.... but wait yet another second - hamburgers don't have ham in them.... it's beef! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, language sucks... we should all talk to each other in code..... something maybe like... http://lolcode.com/
Then again, maybe not...

I'm done. Hope I didn't blow your mind with that post. Whether it be blown away by its sheer amazingness... or blown away by its sheer "you're weird"-ness.....

05 June 2007

...and so it begins...

*booming voice*
forged from the depths of Boredom itself - a land so vast and overwhelming - comes the thoughts of an arguably sane soul... thus is the dawn of a blog from the nfinite...
*queue dramatic music*

Ok, so now that you think I'm a complete dork, let's begin shall we? .. the problem is, where to start? Ok, introductions...

Hi I'm 19/M/somewhere.......... and my name is ..... this isn't working... I'll just stick with that and you can call me nfinite, or whatever you please... I like to be mysterious on the internet, but I suppose this blog isn't helping me out much with that aspiration... Anyway, that should be enough information about me... Nice to meet you

So what you're looking at right now might very well be very bland. I don't like it any more than you do, I guess... But, I was working on a layout, and then it wouldn't do what I wanted it to in CSS, so I decided, the layout looked stupid anyway... At least the banner remains as remnants of a crappy design. So for now, this basic pre-made template is what we get; isn't it exciting?

Of course it is! because hey, you're not here for the visuals (are you?), you're here for the amazing, awe-inspiring, mind-boggingly, tremendously....... mediocreblogentriesIpost. What should you expect in the days, weeks, months, semesters, years to come? Utterly nothing really. I'll see if I can keep this up for more than a few weeks...

I still haven't told you the purpose huh? I'll let you in on the history (it's not long, don't worry). I oftentimes get great ideas and musings that I'd like to share with friends or something... but this usually happens when I'm not around anyone who would need to hear it - or the time doesn't call for those kinds of thoughts... so I save them for later.. the only problem with that is, I forget to tell the people I wanted to tell at the time what I thought of (I bet that sentence made no sense at all). In any case, I hope to now write down what I think of on a little slip of paper or email myself, or leave a draft on this blog so that I'd later be able to sit down and share it with my computer - er, you readers. These musings range from amusing, philosophical, to outright retarded and ridiculous - but I'm sure you're capable of skipping the retarded posts. My style of writing is very stream-of-consciousness and I'll often double back on what I just said - mainly to put myself down.. or something... like... maybe you didn't need to know that...

So yeah, I think that's enough typing for the groundbreaking first blog post, don't you? Your comments are *always* welcome. Feedback makes me feel loved - even if you post to say you hate me - at least I know you read at least one word of my blog. So yes, with any post, please leave any comments, thoughts, ideas, suggestions, criticisms, fanmail, money, credit card numbers, bank account numbers.... you get the idea