a) There's either too much to do; or
b) There's nothing to do
... and you can't figure out which situation you're in
It's like, there's too much to do, so you don't know where to start; and thus it feels like there's nothing to do, since you don't want to start;
or it's like, there's nothing to do, but there's something nagging you that makes you feel like there is something you should be doing, but merely can't figure out what that is.
It's so weird; perhaps it comes from disorganization. Usually I try to be as organized as possible - I try to keep in mind what I need to do. This usually works, my mental notes work for the most part and I can remember pretty much what needs to be done. The problem, however, comes into play whenever something disturbs that state. Like too many requests from different people. That tends to screw things up. One person I know will want to play a game, another wants me to watch some video, another wants to chat, another wants to play something on the Xbox 360. All of this is good and dandy... IF NOT ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Because then, my brain goes into organization mode and tries to come up with ways to please everyone. Ok, I can play the game, and chat at the same time; I can watch the video later. But only after I have done some 360 time. But the instant that the brain organizes this, everything prior that was organized is thrown out the window- oh I was supposed to set up the rice cooker; monkeys, I forgot to put the meat out to thaw; need to phone someone!
After typing that, it's kind of odd. I sometimes feel like there's no one available to talk to and go into semi-depressed mode (since I can't really stay depressed for long - shame really... maybe); But when I am busy, I wish I wasn't so busy. It's odd - it's even scary how things can so easily be taken for granted. As cheesy as it is - the things you take for granted are the things you miss most when they aren't there - is so true. I suppose its a hand-in-hand thing rather than a cause-and-effect thing.
Speaking of the Xbox 360. I'm really glad I dished out the effort to get one. But one thing is haunting me: there is a killer line up of sweet games coming up. The problem? They're all coming out after school starts. No, they're not getting released in the summer when a good portion of the gaming population (aka students) has more free time . Nope. They decide to release these wonderful games after school starts up again. Not even at the beginning of the return to school - you know that period where classes just kind of go over syllabus and you get to know people in the class. Nope, not even that luxury. It's stuff like August (and whenever they tell us a release month, it's better off just to consider it either the last week of the month, or the middle of the month after) and September. That means, it's already mid-terms or the like.
- aside: why do some courses still insist on the usage of mid-term. Have you ever had classes where there were 3 or 4 mid-terms? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of a *mid*term?
Anyway, I keep talking about awesome games, and I'd like to share my thoughts on them - because I have nothing better to do than waste your time that you've given me.
First of all, the PS3 has no appeal to me whatsoever. Sure it has the power to do better than all of the current consoles on the mass market, but what good does that do when barely any games prove it? Right now, it seems only Lair and Heavenly Sword are peaking my attention. Not enough compared with how the 360 line up is looking. For those of you who talk to me, I don't bash the PS3 because of the hardware. No doubt it's more powerful. But pretty graphics don't quite mean as much to me and really shouldn't for a gamer. I think games emphasize looking good too much these days. Take the PC for example, games are starting to take a toll on my rig. It's as if a good game needs to have good graphics to be good. I went back and played Final Fantasy VII the last few weeks of school during Spring term and it was fun! So many jaggies, but fun! Anywho, that was a major tangent. Back to the upcoming 360 games that I'm looking forward to... I somehow feel like I'm advertising these games, but whatevaH!
In no particular order:
- Blue Dragon (ブルードラゴン) : I'm lookin forward to this mainly because it's an RPG and was a hit in Japan. And I could use the Japanese practice eh? And also, the Xbox doesn't have any spectacular RPG's yet. It's going to be on 3 DVDs... that in itself is insane. An RPG on 3 DVDs... I remember the days when Final Fantasy was like 4 or 5 discs but ever since larger media has come out, we haven't really seen multi-disc games. This makes me hope that this game is going to be massive and ton of goodies. Still, it saddens me that something so massive should come out DURING SCHOOL
- Eternal Sonata (トラスティベル ショパンの夢): Another RPG; I might as well list them now that I'm on the subject. Anyway, the premise for this game is thus (from Wikipedia): "The story takes place in a dream world which centers around the piano composer Frédéric Chopin who died at the age of 39 due to tuberculosis. The plot centers around the concept that three hours prior to his death, Chopin dreamed of a fairy-tale land, in which people with incurable diseases have great magical powers."; music is a pretty prominent in my life so the theme of the game sounds very unique - and I love to try new things out. And from what review sites are saying, it seems like the game will be a sleeper hit.
- Mass Effect: Well... BioWare is developing it, so it's gotta be good right? I played through Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and loved it. I started playing Jade Empire - and I suppose the game elements and story were good .. but they didn't quite hit the mark on character art. A friend and I were discussing it; maybe it's because we're Asian and have a more refined perception of what an Asian should look like, but.... those characters weren't pretty. So now BioWare is going back to space and back to aliens and Caucasians (perfectly fine with me) and it looks pretty spiffy so far. I haven't looked much into the battle system - saw some vids and stuff; what interests me is the speech system they have going - emotions instead of lines of text to choose. Hope it turns out well, I'm sure BioWare could be able to pull it off.
- BioShock: This one looks intense. An adventure/psythriller/FPS game. I remember playing System Shock 2, but I don't remember it much... from what I read in retrospect, it was a good game. So with BioShock following a similar vein of game essence, I'm looking forward to getting creeped out and blowing up baddies... all the while wasting more of my very little time available
- IV: Grand Theft Auto IV that is. I don't think this game needs much explanation as to why I want to play it. GTA3 was ground-breaking, GTA:VC kept it going, GTA:SA was amusing because it was centered around the gang wars. IV looks very pretty and immersive (I get the feeling I'm going spend at least 5 minutes standing in one spot in the middle of "New York" and watch what the people do. We shall see. Oh, new trailer coming out tomorrow!
- Halo 3: Again, just like GTA, I need no explanation as to why I need to play this game. Halo was an average game on a console that lacked a good game of the genre. Ended up building an insane community. Halo 2 turned out not as well as expected, but still an above average shooter. I played the H3 multiplayer beta and found it to be pretty smooth, so I hope the campaign will be smooth as well. I guess this may sound harsh to Halo, but I still enjoy the campaign and multiplayer and am looking forward to it. Being a PC gamer from the start, it's kind of amazing how the right game in the right place can make all the difference in the world. (*wink for the fellow pc gamers)
- Assassin's Creed: I played and beat all three of the new Prince of Persia games (oh and the original PoP if we're talking about PoP here). But anyway, this game looks to be sweet because a) Assassin's are cool and b) freerunning is cool. I hope this game turns out well! Har har, my descriptions are getting shorter as this blog post lengthens
- Project Sylpheed - Square Enix doing a spaceship shooter? Interesting)
- John Woo Presents Stranglehold - John Woo and Chow-Yun Fat... interesting
- Medal of Honor Airborne - MoH. 'nough said
- Project Gotham Racing 4 - Guess I'm not really really excited about this one, but weather sounds interesting... I guess... maybe just a gimmick, we'll see
- Skate - Really interested in this competitor to Tony Hawk games. Control scheme is new and hopefully will work
- Time Shift - I guess I just enjoy shooters - and you can warp time in this one - why does that sound familiar hmmmmmm
- Too Human - I'm actually quite looking forward to this... however it's getting dwarfed by the others. There just hasn't been enough hype for me to really notice Too Human. I am interested in the fact that it's story is heavily influenced by Norse mythology though..
- Naruto: Rise of a Ninja - cool, a Naruto game that's not a fighting game - oh wait, and best of all original Japanese voice actors! the english dubbed naruto voice annoys me... though I guess the Japanese voice actor can be annoying too.... even if she's a female...
- Stuntman: Ignition - I always wanted to play a Stuntman game, but never had a console... maybe now's my chance
Ok I had more to talk about, but I guess this post has gone on long enough. Next time on from the nfinite, more talk about organization, and LEGOs! Or wait, what's the plural of LEGO?!