02 September 2008

turkey spam

So I checked my mail this morning and saw "Alissa is waiting for you" as a subject header - and I was like whoa... I have a secret lover? Wait... this is GMail, why is secret lover emails getting into my inbox! So just for kicks, I opened the email.I don't know about you, but this amused me. Especially the part that says "But you have to click!" Don't tell me what to do, you spam mail. You're not the boss of me. I don't have to do anything at all. You know what? I'll click something alright - "Report as spam." Good bye Alissa~

So then I came on to Blogger to talk about this random thing. And I see I've been spambotted on here too! Look! The Chatbox!

Ok that is all, Enjoy life!

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