03 June 2009


This post will be full of fail. It seems occurences in my life recently have been full of fail. But they are the amusing type of fail - not the depressing kind of fail. But maybe it's a little bit of frustrating fail. Also, there's a little bit of lose-faith-in-humanity fail.

So let's start with some complaints about life; more specifically: summer classes. So one of the classes I'm in this summer is International Affairs (requisite for ethics credit). So last Thursday, we were supposed to watch a movie in lecture. But of course, technical difficulties with the VCR (yes, VHS movie) caused it to be delayed to this past Tuesday. So, this past Tuesday, the professor tells us the movie will be shown on a different date for 3 extra credit points. THREE points! She says she'll show it Thursday at 4pm and then asks if there are any conflicts? Of course, there's a conflict on my end (otherwise I wouldn't be sharing right?). But then someone asks if she'll have another showing for those who can't make it. She says no, don't worry about it. It's only extra credit. So what was the point of you asking if there are any conflicts?! So yeah, I don't find this predicament fair at all... but I'm too lazy to complain about it. Situation = Fail.

Fail #2

So this past weekend I needed to download an evaluation version of Cadence OrCAD. Little did I know that such an important product in the engineering world had such a failure of a web/file server. 945Mb download @ 10kbps. I left it to dl for the day, and at night it said 10hours remain. So I tried leaving it overnight. But the next morning when I woke up, it said it still had 8 hours remaining. miniFAIL. Then a couple of hours later, the download failed. I wasn't using a download manager, so I failed there. So I tried downloading it again (not learning from my mistake and still did not use a download manager). This time it downloaded more than it did previously ~800MB and then failed again.

So at this point I gave up on downloading it at home, and decided to test my luck with a campus edu line. The results are disheartening.

Fail #3

So I had to turn in an application for a joint BS/MS program we have here. One of the applications stated I needed to go to a certain office. So I went to the receptionist/secretary lady person and the conversation went a little like this:

I honestly don't know if she didn't understand that Computer Engineering is an actual major or what. But that conversation was full of fail. At least she was correct in that I really needed to go to the ECE academic office instead. But I can't really say it was my fault since the application indicated the wrong office. Oh well, I still lost a little faith in humanity there too.

Fail #4

I was recently on Facebook (which is rare, because I have a deep aversion to it). But what I saw only added to my list of reasons why I despise Facebook.

Am I the only one who loses faith in humanity when I see a blaring and elementary grammar mistake such as this one? This is a public application. There's only two words that you could screw up... and well, you FAIL.

It's only been half a week and I've encountered so much fail. I hope that next week will bring me lots of win. But the fact that I have tests in every class doesn't provide very good prospects. On a random note, I was writing today's date, and 6+3=9! I'm so clever. If you get it, you are clever too! Continue being clever! Til next time.

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