I think I said something about discussing consciousness in my last blog post, but we'll save that for next time since this will just be a quick post about some amusing events that have happened.
Purposeful DepressionClassrooms should be as accommodating as possible right? So as to be conducive to the learning atmosphere. The probability/statistics class I've been taking this summer has been in a typical room. Lit adequately with those fluorescent lights that are so abundant in school and office buildings. It would be a dark room if not for those lights... or so I had thought. The other day, I walked in and noticed something a little different with the room:
Wait, we had windows in the room?! Why oh why weren't they open! Isn't that so depressing? To be robbed of sunlight, when it is a small tug of the curtain away... It's sad isn't it? That we've become used to unnaturally lit classrooms? What if all rooms were brightly lit by the happy rays of natural lighting? Would classes be less boring? Or would there be more daydreaming... Either way, it surprised me that I had never noticed the room actually had windows... but unfortunately, the room is to be kept isolated from the outside world *sigh.
Community is ... Interesting... Amusing... おもしろい ...
Some words are best expressed in another language? Community is both interesting and amusing at the same time. How did I come about this thought? I was headed home on MARTA yesterday and reached my station - end of the line. I got off the train and I saw a ton of GREEEEEEEEEEEEN. It was amazing how many Mexicans were present. I had never seen so many at the MARTA station before. There must be some kind of event going on, were my thoughts. But ... I didn't know of any Hispanic holidays going on... But then I saw the green soccer jerseys and the Mexican flags used as capes and the only reasonable explanation would be a soccer game.
As I left the station for the parking lot, there were even more Mexican families heading to the station. And then I remembered that there was also a Braves baseball game so I thought it would be amusing to try and find those families. I saw one family. I don't know why, but I almost laughed out loud (not to be mistaken with LOLed) when I passed them. It just seemed super amusing - amongst a huge population of the Mexican community was one small family going to see a baseball game. Community is strange indeed.
So when I got home, I looked up with game was going on: Mexico v. Venezuela. But even more interesting was the fact that Team Mexico hadn't been to the southeast since the Olympics. I guess that explains the huge turnout.
And finally, this was on my iGoogle homepage today. And the first thought that popped into my head when reading this title was "No sh*t". Honestly, if you believe that reading/typing does not affect driving, you don't deserve to be on the road. Eyes away from the road = not looking at the road. Not looking at the road = not driving.
Still, I decided to give it the benefit of the doubt - perhaps there was more to this article than the obvious. Unfortunately, I was disappointed. There were some charts and numbers, but ultimately, it's just common sense. Seriously, the things people waste money on for studies... I know there are many more cases of such "No duh." studies, but I can't think of them now. I'm sure you've seen them though...
Anyway, those were my observations of the week. Just random things I felt like I wanted to put down in type. I've been doodling a lot in that probabilty/statistics class... but nothing good ever comes out of it. I've even tried doodling a new blog layout. But they suck. So, don't suck like me, and be cool in life. Til next time!
Oh I forgot, if you haven't listened to Suzumiya Haruhi no Gensou yet, the first track is pure win.