So grades came out a few hours ago. BAM! ALL As. So either I got above that 94 I needed, or the average did a whole lot than me... Either way, I'm happy now. Ok, that was my gloating time. I'm finished.
So I was raiding the pantry the other day - since, now that I'm home with no schoolwork, there's nothing better to do. I chanced upon a box of Gushers. Woohooo! Sticky candy! Behold, it also had a sweepstakes thingy on it too! I remember being younger and dreaming of the day I could win one of these prizes. You know, the ones where you win a lifetime's worth of candy, or ten grand, or a trip to all the amusement parks in Florida. Those were some awesome prizes. So check it, here's the prize on this box of Gushers:
Win CASH! Alright! So I opened the box and peeked inside to see if I had won. But the same words of disappointment greeted me from the inner dark depths of the candy box: TRY AGAIN.
*sigh. Rejected. I did, however, forget to check to see what the prize was. If you also didn't notice, check the picture again. Five bucks. Wait wut?
These must be truly hard economic times... the prize is five dollah.
I suppose I shouldn't be complaining, the prize pays for the cost of the snacks and then some. You could buy another box of snacks! And then the inevitable words of doom could be delayed until the next box!
Well, that's all I have for today. Hopefully this has been a short post. I never realize how long some of my posts are until I see it in the blog. Until next time, keep "Try Again"-ing in life!
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