23 April 2009


Recently I saw this ad on TV for Stouffer's frozen dinners... or something like that. I forget what type of frozen food package it was. Well that doesn't really matter. The narrator was from the POV of the mom of a household and how she was all proud of her son and they were going to have a *special* dinner.

Well, as special as you can get with frozen dinners I suppose; advertisements are an odd form of manipulating the facts don't you think? You know, creating fake scenarios and acting as if they are commonplace. Maybe they are commonplace; just not in my place...

Anyway, so the commercial proceeded with the family setting up dinner and the mom ruffling her son's hair - awww... And then at the end it pans to the refrigerator with the Stouffer's logo and some text overlayed on the video. And guess what was on the refrigerator? (I suppose I ruined the resolution of this story in my post title...)

Yes; an assignment with a big, fat, red, circled "B+".

...if I had ever brought home a B+ during grade school, there would have been a beatdown to be had. But it's so close to an A!.. yeah right, it's not an A - end of story.

So you see, I scoffed at the ad. If it had been an A+, I may have somewhat conceded to the ad - with all it's odd glorification of a frozen dinner. But instead, it made me sad to think that a B+ is considered acceptable, or even commendable. B+ means not an A. That was the truth of my childhood.

*sigh, difference in cultural value scales? Why am I criticizing the ad? Beats me... it was something to write about. And it seems, I've noticed, that people find complacency in finding the faults of others. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing... On one hand it allows growth. For, without criticism, one cannot improve as quickly. On the other hand, it just seems like a poor mindset to hold; poor form to fixate on the negative instead of praising the positive.

What do you think? Antagonistic or stimulation? Do you see yourself doing this as well? Or is it just the type of people I associate with. Being in a school of engineering, we always seek precision and improvement. But picking at the wrongs of things is a dual edge - reveals points of improvement but could it create a constant cynical mindset?

Just some things to think about - or not to think about at all. It's all just a big circular argument anyway. Well then, take care dear readers. I'm happy you read until this point =)

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