I have to apologize ahead of time for the text formatting; I know its really hard to read, due to the text formatting. It's not well spaced and all that paragraph formatting stuff. I'm just really lazy to create my own CSS template for the blog. *sigh*
It's finals week and here I am stud....... playing games. So I just finished Eternal Sonata. That is one trippy storyline. The colors really help with the whole acid trip feel of the game too. In any case, I played the game with Japanese voice acting and subtitles, so all was happy and dandy. That is, until the end credits where the characters start lecturing you.... about ... something. Great, no subtitles in the credits. All I caught was something like, a "yume" here, "genjitsu" there, unknown verb+"shita" over yonder, all interspersed with "anata wa". I think they said something about themselves, and then asked me what I thought. I would have had a thought, if I understood everything they said. It made me kind of sad, my Japanese has a long way to go.
And that was quite incoherent. I guess my brain is shutting down for the break. Despite there being finals, the semester has ended in my mind. So, here are just some random things I had jotted down to blog about, but never had the time to blog because I was too busy... uhm "studying" - Yes.
I. Normal Conversation vs. TV/Movie Conversation
I don't really watch TV much, and movies are a once in a few weeks occurrence. But I'm absolutely positive there's a distinct line between what is normal conversation, and what hollywood/tvland thinks is normal conversation. This observation came to me while watching Heroes. So one dude is sending another dude a picture over the phone and he says: "I'm sending you a jpeg right now".
I have to admit, I have no experience in this area of phones since I rarely text message and never do anything besides ... talking on the phone (because that's what phones are for right?). So I've never actually send anyone an picture using my phone, but I know for a fact that not even a nerd like me would say "I'm sending you a *jpeg*" That just doesn't flow with normal conversation. The person I'm talking to would be like, "Jpeg, right; you're retarded for saying that, ya know?" What if the phone doesn't take jpeg pictures? What if it's old school craptacular and takes pictures in BMP? Would he say "I'm sending you a bitmap right now." Wow that sounds even more dorktastic. A map of a bit?
Anywho, I think they should've just stuck with "I'm sending you a picture".
Case #2 from Heroes.
Let's go to the tech-savvy kid of the show. Micah. He should know his stuff right? After all, he talks with computers and... tech... stuff; this means he should know what the ... tech.. stuff is capable of. So he hacked a cellphone to show the location of another cellphone. Ok, this could be plausible. You never know what kind of tracking devices they have in cellphones these days. And since he's Micah, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he can get into the phone system and pinpoint a cellphone location using its signal. Ah ah, it gets better. He explains what he did for the uninformed. (I forget the exact quote, but it goes something like this:)
"I'm tracking whatsherface's cellphone and displaying her location on this phone's GPS map. The battery in her cellphone emits a GPS signal that I can use to track her location"
Whoa, whoa whoa! Since when have batteries gotten GPS signal emitter thingies? So, what would happen if they took the battery out of the phone... uh... I know the writer's have gone on strike and all. But at least double check your sources when you attempt to write tech jargon. A GPS tracking signal ..... on a battery? You could've at least said GPS device located on her cellphone.... but battery?! That's just ignorant.
Oh and on a tangent, I love how some films have these l33t hackers just kind of slam their fingers on the keyboard and magically fifty lines of text are typed in. And then! to hack into the target system, they do this
[monkey@monkeymonkey]$ ls
Ok I'm done with that.
Next topic.
So I do a lot of walking around the campus Student Center after math lecture. I have 30mins to do nothing after dif eq class ends and the next class begins. So I noticed that some of the vending machines say $1.75 for a drink. WHAT A RIPOFF! You could buy a 2L bottle for that much - and that's pushing it still! And as if this wasn't bad enough, I had found a secret vending machine that sold the exact same drinks for $1.50! That's insanity. In the same building! Ok, so the 1.50 machine is a little bit hidden; it's in a hallway that a lot of people don't use. I thought to myself, harhar! if I should ever feel like wasting money on a soft drink, I will have beaten the system and hit up the secret vending machine! So one day, I felt like wasting money, but I was prepared not to waste 1.75. I went to that secret vending machine and behold !!! it was turned off and barred. FAIL!
But anyway, I think my brain waves must've caught up to someone. All of the vending machines across campus are now $1.50. It's still ridiculous.
Have you ever put on headphones with the intent of listening to music? Well, after I've typed that, it's kind of a retarded question. Of course, if you put headphones on, you're going to listen to something right? The only problem is: I find myself forgetting to press play on the mp3 player - or loading up a media player on the computer. So I end up having earbuds in my ears except there's no music playing. I've done it soooooo many times. I'll put 'em in, start walking/biking to class. I'll walk into class. Sit down. Reach for the Mp3 player to stop the musi.. Hm, it's silent already. And then I'll feel crunchy for not listening to anything. It gets worse with the laptop at home. I'll put headphones on. Then I'll get sidetracked by homework or something. Half an hour later I'll realize I never opened up my playlist and think monkeys, where's that music. But then I'll get sidetracked again. It's a vicious cycle.
-fruit snack packs for adults
This was the bullet point I saved in this blog post's draft. I think it's pretty self-explanatory. I was eating a fruit snack pack for kids (I think it was Scooby Doo fruit snacks), but then it ended too quickly. So I grabbed another pack. Such a waste of packaging. They could've just put more into the package to begin with - that way I wouldn't have to eat two snack packs. I could save face and instead of saying "I ate two Scooby Doo fruit snack packs," I could just say, "I had a pack of fruit snacks".
Well, that was quite the incoherent post now wasn't it!
OH WELL! One more final to go and then it's home for the holidays! It will probably be spent trying to pass Through the Fire and Flames on Expert. Wait wait, I first need to get 5 stars on hard. Currently at 4 stars -_-;;
I'll just stop the post before I look more like a dork than I already am.
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