今週、毎日ラボにプロジェックトをしにいきました。ビデオゲームの時間がありませんでした。悲しいねえ =(
La semana pasada, cuando tenia tiempo libre, fui al laboratorio de computadoras para trabajar y... code-r una robusteza. Por eso, no tenia tiempo de jugar videojuegos. Estaba triste.
Tuan moi qua nay, luc nao ranh, toi di computer lab de code cai robot. Khong co thi gio de choi game het. Buon lam.
This past week, whenever I had free time, I went to the Digital Design lab room to work on the final project which involved coding a robot. Because of this, I had no time to play games the entire week. It made me sad.
Now that my brain has switched tracks from the logical computer and code side to the less logical language side, I think I'll be able to blog some. That was my attempt at very poor Japanese... I'll get to fluency eventually *sigh. Spanish is also rusty as well. My mom always says I need to practice it so that the four years spent in high school isn't going to waste. So that sentence was for her... the Vietnamese as well. The English was for.... no reason. Maybe I'm trying to redeem myself. I just read over my last blog entry, and the grammar and typos in that post are horrid. My apologies for making you try to decipher awkward sentence configurations and misplaced words.
Anyway, if you haven't gotten the general idea by now, I haven't played a single substantial game since last Sunday. I say substantial because maybe I played some Flash games in physics lecture. That's beside the point! Ok, I don't know how long its been since my last post. About a month maybe? Speaking of 'month', does it ever strike you as odd that "in exactly one month" isn't really *exact* at all? We can say "exactly one day" - and that means 24 hours. We can say "exactly one week" - and that means 7 days. What happens when we say "exactly one month"? Does this mean, the same date but increase a month? One month from today is December 10th? But wait, one month from December 10th is January 10th. How can this be exact? One is a period of 30 days, the other is 31 days. Not to mention February screwin' everything up. They need to make conventions for this kind of stuff.
Kind of like they need to make conventions for passing people traveling in the opposite direction. I know for a fact that every one of you has been in this situation:
You: Walking along sidewalk, eyes at the ground
Pedestrian: Walking opposite direction on sidewalk, also eyes at the ground.
You: Look up and notice that there is a person in front of you.
Pedestrian: Also looks up and notices you.
You: Lean towards the right to pass.
Pedestrian: Leans towards the left to pass.
You+Pedestrian: Awkward moment where you're not sure if the other person is going to correct themselves or if you have to take the initiative to go around them.
There should be a universal law:
If one finds oneself presented in a situation where one must move in order to pass another person...
a) If you are already slightly off center of the person, go in the direction that will result in the least side displacement.
b) Turn slightly right. If both persons follow this universal law, many awkward moments can be averted.
Wouldn't it be great if people actually did this? The issue becomes particularly troublesome when one party is riding a bicycle and the other party is walking. Bicycle person is paying attention. Walking person is not. Bicycle person makes clear intention of leaning to the right to pass. Walking person looks up and decides to jump in the way of the bicycle person. Bicycle person must then make hard swerve left because any further right would result in wipeout onto turf. Walking person gets mad and curses as bicycle person. Bicycle person thinks walking person is an ingrate. Personal experience? Mine? Surely not....
On a similar note, let's talk about road ethics. This is going to be short, don't worry. Have you ever been happily driving along in your car (ドライブをする) down a bi-directional highway with a middle turning lane and then the car in front of you indicates the intent of changing lanes into the middle turning lane. Of course you have, unless you haven't driven much. Soon, however, you realize that the car is halfway in between your lane and the turning lane and slowing down considerably. If you're going to change lanes, gtfo the way! Do the slowing down after you're in the turn lane. But no, cars aren't this considerate. The car is almost stopped, however it is straddling the lane line. You now have to quickly look to your right lane to see if you can simply swerve around it. If not, you now have to brake. Stupid braking for no reason... when it could easily be avoided if the other car had changed lanes properly. Again, personal experience? Of course not. Oh, don't get me started on people who slow to a stop just to make a right turn from a main road. Your car is not going to flip over; you can enter a turn *with* speed.
Well that was an amusing rant. I had more to say, but I'm hungry now. Maybe next time. I'll note it here so I don't forget: campus evacuation (that was almost surreal for a few moments) and silent headphones.
Hasta luego
CodeMindset: JUMP CodeMindset
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