23 August 2007

settled in

So it's been over a week since I last posted, sorry for the delay. I'm finally moved in and settled (almost, I still have a few textbooks to go before I'm truly settled, but I'll get to that in a bit) into my apartment room on campus. It's a pretty sweet place; having a room to myself is awesome and the commons area in the middle is pretty spacious - it even has a nice bay window overlooking into the grassy quad area. Pictures of just my room here: Before and After shots as well.

Classes this week have been pretty slim. I haven't had to go to any of my three labs since it's the first week of classes. But I can tell that after this week, it's going to be quite a workload with three lab courses. Instead of worrying about labs this first week, I get the enjoyment of textbooks raping my back pocket. My credit card, check card, and wallet are all crying out in pain over the exodus of dollars from their grasp. It's seriously disheartening to see receipt statements that say:Seriously! What the balls! 8% tax! I thought it was only 6% tax. But it seems they are further shafting us poor college students for all our money's worth. That's only 2.5 of my classes! I still have 3 more classes. (Yes if you add it together, that makes 5.5 classes, since one of them I have to buy an extra digital circuits kit - another $45 hit to my bank account). Enough of this, I know a lot of you are in the same situation and possibly even worse.

Speaking of getting shafted, why does being good in games always means you get screwed? Take for example: The Jedi Knight games (the ones where you had to choose if you wanted to be light side or dark side - mainly Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy though). The light side always got screwed with crappy force powers whereas the dark side had all the kickass skills. Light side had skills that would just absorb dark attacks, protect from laser fire, and see through walls. What's the fun in that?! Where's the incentive to be good when you could go around gripping baddies and throwing them against walls, force lightning the balls out of them, and going into a rage that made you super fast and strong at the same time! Light side really gets shafted in games. It's almost as if the games want you to follow the dark path. Tsk tsk on them, teaching kids that evil > good.

The only reason I thought about this was because I've been playing BioShock. (Okay okay, so maybe I haven't been that busy as to not get around to blogging...) I finally got my hands on BioShock at school (after waiting a week at home) for the 360. It's so frickin' awesome! But like I said, these games seem to tailor themselves toward evil being the cooler path. You have to make a choice to save these little monsters (*cough girls) or harvest them for the slugs that lie in their brains. (Pretty intense eh?) Well, you only get 80 Adam for saving them, and 160 Adam for harvesting them. The Adam is used for buying upgrades for yourself. Why wouldn't you want the full amount of Adam for the work you did to kill the little girl's body guard. Plot points? Blah, I guess I'll have to go back and play the game again once I beat it and be a good boy. *sigh, being good is so boring.

Time to go to math class. The professor looks like he's fresh out of college... from China. His accent's a little hard to understand (and thankfully I'm Asian and more accustomed to accents than others) and I still haven't figured out if he will be a good professor or not. He's really really young looking. Anyway, that's my short post for now. I'll try and be more active with posting.

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